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Bases: Module, ABC

The BMS module communicates with a simple battery management system over a serial connection.

The BMS module provides measured voltages as an event.


is_above_percent(value: float) -> bool

Returns whether the battery is charged above the given percentage.


is_above_voltage(value: float) -> bool

Returns whether the battery voltage is above the given value.


is_below_percent(value: float) -> bool

Returns whether the battery is charged below the given percentage.


is_below_voltage(value: float) -> bool

Returns whether the battery voltage is below the given value.


    robot_brain: RobotBrain,
    expander: ExpanderHardware | None = None,
    name: str = "bms",
    rx_pin: int = 26,
    tx_pin: int = 27,
    baud: int = 9600,
    num: int = 1,
    charge_detect_threshold: float = -0.4

Bases: Bms, ModuleHardware

This module implements the hardware interface for the BMS module.


    is_charging: Callable[[], bool] | None = None,
    fixed_voltage: float | None = None,

Bases: Bms, ModuleSimulation

This module simulates a BMS module.


Bumper(estop: EStop | None, **kwargs)

Bases: Module, ABC

A module that detects when a bumper is triggered.


Name Description
BUMPER_TRIGGERED a bumper was triggered (argument: the bumper name)


    robot_brain: RobotBrain,
    expander: ExpanderHardware | None = None,
    name: str = "bumper",
    pins: dict[str, int],
    estop: EStop | None = None

Bases: Bumper, ModuleHardware

Hardware implementation of the bumper module.

The module expects a dictionary of pin names and pin numbers. If an e-stop is provided, the module will not trigger bumpers if the e-stop is active.


Name Description
BUMPER_TRIGGERED a bumper was triggered (argument: the bumper name)


BumperSimulation(estop: EStop | None, **kwargs)

Bases: Bumper, ModuleSimulation

Simulation of the bumper module.


Name Description
BUMPER_TRIGGERED a bumper was triggered (argument: the bumper name)



Bases: ABC

This abstract module defines an interface for communicating with a microcontroller.

Besides sending and receiving messages a communication module provides a property whether communication is possible. It can also provide a piece of debug UI.



Bases: Module, ABC

A module that detects when the e-stop is triggered.

The module has a boolean field active that is true when the e-stop is triggered.

There is also a boolean field is_soft_estop_active that is true when the soft e-stop is active. It can be set to true or false by calling set_soft_estop(active: bool).


Name Description
ESTOP_TRIGGERED the e-stop was triggered


    robot_brain: RobotBrain,
    name: str = "estop",
    pins: dict[str, int]

Bases: EStop, ModuleHardware

Hardware implementation of the e-stop module.

The module expects a dictionary of pin names and pin numbers.


Name Description
ESTOP_TRIGGERED the e-stop was triggered



Bases: EStop, ModuleSimulation

Simulation of the e-stop module.


Name Description
ESTOP_TRIGGERED the e-stop was triggered


EspPins(name: str, robot_brain: RobotBrain)

Monitor and control ESP32 GPIO pins.


    robot_brain: RobotBrain,
    name: str = "p0",
    serial: SerialHardware,
    boot: int = 25,
    enable: int = 14

Bases: ModuleHardware

The expander module represents a second ESP microcontroller connected to the core ESP via serial.



Bases: ABC

A GNSS module that provides measurements from a GNSS receiver.


Name Description
NEW_MEASUREMENT a new measurement has been received (argument: GnssMeasurement)


GnssHardware(*, antenna_pose: Pose | None)

Bases: Gnss

This hardware module connects to a Septentrio SimpleRTK3b (Mosaic-H) GNSS receiver.

:param antenna_pose: the pose of the main antenna in the robot's coordinate frame (yaw: direction to the auxiliary antenna)

_antenna_angle instance-attribute

_antenna_angle = pi + atan2(y, x) - yaw

the angle from the robot's center to the main antenna

_antenna_distance instance-attribute

_antenna_distance = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)

the distance from the robot's center to the main antenna

_convert_to_decimal staticmethod

_convert_to_decimal(coord: str, direction: str) -> float

Convert a coordinate in the format DDMM.mmmm to decimal degrees.

:param coord: the coordinate to convert :param direction: the direction (N/S/E/W) :return: the coordinate in decimal degrees


Name Description
NEW_MEASUREMENT a new measurement has been received (argument: GnssMeasurement)


    wheels: WheelsSimulation,
    lat_std_dev: float = 0.01,
    lon_std_dev: float = 0.01,
    heading_std_dev: float = 0.01,
    gps_quality: GpsQuality = GpsQuality.RTK_FIXED

Bases: Gnss

Simulation of a GNSS receiver.

:param wheels: the wheels to use for the simulation :param lat_std_dev: the standard deviation of the latitude in meters :param lon_std_dev: the standard deviation of the longitude in meters :param heading_std_dev: the standard deviation of the heading in degrees :param gps_quality: the quality of the GPS signal


Name Description
NEW_MEASUREMENT a new measurement has been received (argument: GnssMeasurement)


Robot(modules: list[Module])

Bases: ABC

A robot that consists of a number of modules.

It can be either a hardware robot or a simulation.


    communication: Communication,
    enable_esp_on_startup: bool = True

This module manages the communication with a Zauberzeug Robot Brain.

It expects a communication object, which is used for the actual read and write operations. Besides providing some basic methods like configuring or restarting the microcontroller, it augments and verifies checksums for each message.

It also keeps track of the clock offset between the microcontroller and the host system, which is used to synchronize the hardware time with the system time. The clock offset is calculated by comparing the hardware time with the system time and averaging the differences over a number of samples. If the offset changes significantly, a notification is sent and the offset history is cleared.


Name Description
LINE_RECEIVED a line has been received from the microcontroller (argument: line as string)
FLASH_P0_COMPLETE flashing p0 was successful and 'Replica complete' was received


    modules: list[Module], robot_brain: RobotBrain

Bases: Robot

A robot that consists of hardware modules.

It generates Lizard code, forwards output to the hardware modules and sends commands to the robot brain.


RobotSimulation(modules: list[Module])

Bases: Robot

A robot that consists of simulated modules.

It regularly calls the step method of all modules to allow them to update their internal state.


    device_path: str | None = None,
    baud_rate: int = 115200

Bases: Communication

This module implements a communication via a serial device with a given baud rate.

It contains a list of search paths for finding the serial device.


    robot_brain: RobotBrain,
    name: str = "serial",
    rx_pin: int = 26,
    tx_pin: int = 27,
    baud: int = 115200,
    num: int = 1

Bases: ModuleHardware

The serial module represents a serial connection with another device.



Bases: Communication

Remote connection to the Robot Brain's ESP.

This makes it possible to keep developing on your fast computer while communicating with the hardware components connected to a physical Robot Brain.



Bases: Module, ABC

This module represents wheels for a two-wheel differential drive.

Wheels can be moved using the drive methods and provide measured velocities as an event.


Name Description
VELOCITY_MEASURED new velocity measurements are available for processing (argument: list of velocities)


    robot_brain: RobotBrain,
    can: CanHardware,
    name: str = "wheels",
    left_can_address: int = 0,
    right_can_address: int = 256,
    m_per_tick: float = 0.01,
    width: float = 0.5,
    is_left_reversed: bool = False,
    is_right_reversed: bool = False

Bases: Wheels, ModuleHardware

This module implements wheels hardware.

Drive and stop commands are forwarded to a given Robot Brain. Velocities are read and emitted regularly.


Name Description
VELOCITY_MEASURED new velocity measurements are available for processing (argument: list of velocities)


WheelsSimulation(width: float = 0.5)

Bases: Wheels, ModuleSimulation

This module simulates two wheels.

Drive and stop commands impact internal velocities (linear and angular). A simulated pose is regularly updated with these velocities, while the velocities are emitted as an event.

angular_velocity instance-attribute

angular_velocity: float = 0

The current angular velocity of the robot.

friction_factor instance-attribute

friction_factor: float = 0.0

The factor of friction for the wheels (0 = no friction, 1 = full friction).

inertia_factor instance-attribute

inertia_factor: float = 0.0

The factor of inertia for the wheels (0 = no inertia, 1 = full inertia).

is_blocking instance-attribute

is_blocking: bool = False

If True, the wheels are blocking and the robot will not move.

linear_velocity instance-attribute

linear_velocity: float = 0

The current linear velocity of the robot.

pose instance-attribute

pose: Pose = Pose(time=time())

Provides the actual pose of the robot which can alter due to slippage.

slip_factor_left instance-attribute

slip_factor_left: float = 0

The factor of slippage for the left wheel (0 = no slippage, 1 = full slippage).

slip_factor_right instance-attribute

slip_factor_right: float = 0

The factor of slippage for the right wheel (0 = no slippage, 1 = full slippage).

width instance-attribute

width: float = width

The distance between the wheels -- used to calculate actual drift when slip_factor_* is used.


Name Description
VELOCITY_MEASURED new velocity measurements are available for processing (argument: list of velocities)